D.Phil., Experimental Psychology:
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
September 1994 - June 1999
Research Description: Examined shifts of attention in vision and language using ERPs and behavioural tasks. Further research: visual neglect studies of stroke patients (ERPs and fMRI), shifts of attention and visual search examined through PET activations co-registered with individual structural on same subject anatomical MRI and fMRI- in collaboration with the Hammersmith Hospital Cyclotron Unit, Functional Imaging Laboratory, UCL and Northwestern University Medical School.
Dissertation title: Shifting Attention Based on Perceptual or Linguistic Information: Behavioural and Electrophysiological Studies.
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
September 1994 - June 1999
Research Description: Examined shifts of attention in vision and language using ERPs and behavioural tasks. Further research: visual neglect studies of stroke patients (ERPs and fMRI), shifts of attention and visual search examined through PET activations co-registered with individual structural on same subject anatomical MRI and fMRI- in collaboration with the Hammersmith Hospital Cyclotron Unit, Functional Imaging Laboratory, UCL and Northwestern University Medical School.
Dissertation title: Shifting Attention Based on Perceptual or Linguistic Information: Behavioural and Electrophysiological Studies.

B.Sc., Cognitive Science (honours)
Department of Cognitive Science
University of California San Diego
September 1989 - June 1993
Honours Thesis title: Face recognition in squirrel monkeys as a function of social status and attention using event-related potentials.
Department of Cognitive Science
University of California San Diego
September 1989 - June 1993
Honours Thesis title: Face recognition in squirrel monkeys as a function of social status and attention using event-related potentials.