SELECTION OF INVITED TALKS: (since change of research focus)
- Guest Speaker 2017 (Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroanatomy Seminars, Kings College London, 17th May)
- Guest Speaker 2017 (Centre for Mind/Brain Sciences, CIMeC, University of Trento, Italy 6th April
- Guest Speaker 2017 (Developmental Neurocognition Lab, Birkbeck, University of London) 24th January
- Guest Speaker 2016 (Developmental Neurocognition Lab, Birkbeck, University of London) 18th October
- Guest Speaker 2016 (Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar, Birkbeck, University of London) 26th October
- Guest Speaker 2016 (Swiss Cottage School and Development & Research Centre) 30th June
- Guest Speaker 2016 (Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust: Neurodevelopment) 13th June
- Public Talk 2016 Catalyst Club Brighton: The Evolution of Cognition, The Latest Bar, 10th March
- Guest Speaker 2015 (Host: Catherine Blois-Heulin) University of Rennes 14th September
- Award Panelist 2014 (Women Returners) (ICWES16 and SWE14 Conference) Los Angeles, 23-25/10
- Plug in Your Brain 2014 (Student Open Day) What Makes us Human? University of Westminster 24/4
- Guest Lecture 2013 (Host: Professor Joel Fagot) Aix Marsielle Universite, CNRS 20/6
- Plug in Your Brain 2013 (Interviewed Robin Dunbar) What Makes us Human? U of Westminster 28/2
- Guest Lecture 2013 (Host: Prof Vincent Walsh) Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL, 25/2
- Plenary Speaker 2013 (Host Scottish Primate Research Group) The Burn Conference, 25-27/2
- Symposium Speaker 2013 (Host: Professor Annette Karmiloff-Smith), Birkbeck, 11/13
- Guest Lecture 2012 (Host: Professor Alina Rodriguez) Mid Sweden University, 17/10
- Invited Speaker 2012 (Host: Professor Giorgio Vallortigara) Cog Evo (CiMec), Italy, 30/06
- Guest Lecture 2012 (Host: Prof Richard Byrne) St. Andrews University and SPRG, 27/04
- BPS Symposium Organizer and Speaker 2011: The Right Hand Man: BPS Glasgow, 25/05
- Guest Lecture 2010 (Host: Professor Edwin Hutchins). UCSD, 21/10.
- Guest Lecture 2010 (Host: Dr. Amanda Carr) Roehampton University 11/11
- Symposium Speaker 2010 (Host: Dr. Nicola Yuill) University of Sussex CHaT Lab, 24/09
- Guest Lecture 2009 (Host: Professor Michael Thomas), Birkbeck 16/06
- Guest Lecture 2009 (Host: Professor Giorgio Vallortigara) University of Trento, 25/2
- Oral Presenter 1993 - Face recognition as a function of social status in squirrel monkeys. Sebestyen, G.N. Honors thesis presented at the UCSD Undergraduate Research Conference.
- Handedness Facts: from Evolution to Neuroscience 2017: Hand dominance and the Evolution of Human Cognition: A Cross-Species Perspective, Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 4-5th April
- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Autism Workshop 2016: Can lateralized motor ac/on act as a marker for children at risk of ASD? Birkbeck Wellcome Trust ISSF and the Bloomsbury ESRC Doctoral Training Centre 6/9
- Symposium Organiser 2016: International Society for Behavioural Ecology 2016: Motor Laterality: Evolution and Development, University of Exeter, 4/8
- Conference Speaker 2016 (Royal Society) Laterality: From Genes to Behaviour, Kavli, Royal Society International Centre, Chichley Hall, 28-29/4
- Co-Chair 2015: Daphne Jackson Research Conference compered by Vivienne Parry, 15/10,
- Keynote Address 2015 (The Anthropology of Hands Conference) Motor Action Patterns: revealing the relationship between tool use and gesture, University of Kent 24-26/6
- Research Presenter 2014 (Cognition and Evolution Workshop) Social Navigation in Typically Developing Children, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, 7-9/7
- Plenary Speaker 2013 (Scottish Primate Research Group) Measuring Behaviour Across Dimensions, The Annual Burn Weekend Conference, 25-27/2
- Keynote Address 2012- III National Congress of Scientific Research in Parks and Zoological Gardens. Lateralised Behaviour: A Window on Cognition. Parco Natura Viva, Bussolengo (VR). 4-6/10
- Oral Presenter 2012 (Host: Professor Giorgio Vallortigara) Cognition and Evolution conference, Center for Mind and Brain Sciences (CiMec), Rovereto, Italy, 30/06- 02/07.
- Oral Presenter 2011 (Host: Dr. Natalie Uomini) Origins of Language and Right Handedness, CentralTAG - The 33rd Ann. Conference of the Theoret. Archeological Group, Birmingham, 15-17/12.
- Symposium Organiser and Presenter 2011: The Right Hand Man: Language and Manual Laterality. British Psychological Society Annual Conference Glasgow. 18-20 May.
- Poster Prize Recipient 2009 - Limb Lateralization and the Evolution of Communication. Cognition and Evolution Conference, Rovereto, Italy, Centre for Mind and Brain Sciences. 11-14 June.
- Oral Presenter 2008 - A Multidimensional Method for Assessing Nonverbal Communication. Daphne Jackson Trust Reception, BA Festival of Science, University of Liverpool, 1009.
- Oral Presenter 2006 - Assessing Sensory Integration of Higher Cognitive Function: Great Ape Communication (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). 8thAnn. International Multisensory Research Forum. 19-22/06.
- Poster Presenter 2005 - Multimodal Communication In Western Lowland Gorillas. Poster presented at the Annual, Forrester, G.S., Forrester, N.A., Amer Soc Primat Conference Portland, Oregon. 17-21/08
- Poster Presenter 1997 - Temporal Correlates of Covert Shifts of Visual Spatial Attention Using Event-Related Potentials-II using Event-Related Potentials. Sebestyen, G.N. and Nobre, A.C. Poster presented at Human Brain Mapping, Copenhagen, Denmark. 20-23 May.
- Poster Presenter 1996 - Temporal Correlates of Covert Shifts of Visual Spatial Attention using Event-Related Potentials-I. Sebestyen. G.N. & Nobre, A.C. Poster presented at European Neuroscience, Strasbourg, Germany.
- Poster Presenter 1996 - Functional Localisation of the Neural Network for Visual Spatial Attention by Positron-Emission Tomography. Nobre, A.C., Mesulam, M.M., Sebestyen, G.N. Frackowiak, R.S.J., Frith, C.D. Poster presented at Human Brain Mapping, Boston. 17-21 June.
- Poster Presenter 1994 - The effects of neuroleptic and anticholinergic medications on neuropsychological impairments. Paulsen, J.S., Heaton, R.K., Sadek, J.R., Harris, H.J., McAdams, L.A., Sebestyen, G.N. Jeste, D.V. Poster presented at Collegium International Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum (CNIP), Washington D.C.